Wednesday, March 4, 2015

World Peace or Human Extinction

A problem humanity appears to always have had is not only settling disputes, but in the keeping of peace. "Peace" is defined in Merriam-Webster's dictionary as:
  • A state in which there is no war or fighting;
  • An agreement to end a war (or treaty); and
  • A period of time when there is no war or fighting.
Per Black's Law dictionary "peace" is defined as:
  • Tranquility, security and freedom from commotion or disturbance.
While it might be a common misconception that humanity today is more advanced than it was during ancient times, it is argued by many historians that there was once world peace. This is evidenced by the building of great pyramids and peculiar man-made rock formations the world over whereas a common theme between all of these formations appears to be electromagnetic in nature where energy may have been drawn from the cosmos and transmitted to ancient cities. This might be why cellular phone signals today do not function properly within these particular areas of the world.

Today, the United States is known for being founded on war and debt and it will collapse under its own weight of war and debt as John Adams predicted in the 18th century. The point here is that energy can either be used either for war or peace. Our problem is choice just as Neo concluded in The Matrix. The biggest problem we appear to have are intolerant religions and military industrial complexes. We have fundamentalist groups killing other, especially those of different religious paradigms, all in the name of their esteemed Higher Power. The third world war will be waged between nations because of intolerant religions and it will be a device used to disenfranchise and separate humanity from religious dogma. 

Recently, another trailer of Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron was released in which Ultron concludes that while it is "designed to save the world, the path to peace requires extinction" and the first step is to "take all hope away." The Law of War Handbook illustrates on page 3 that Public International Law maintains two types law: Law of Armed Conflict and the Law of Peace. The Law of Peace has no administrative element to it because peace just is and requires no mediator to mediate a dispute.

Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron
(Third Released Trailer March 4, 2015)

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