Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Freeman" Declares Pensioners Home "Embassy" as a Tenant

(Local Pensioner, Caverhill, in Total Frustration)
The Freeman-on-the-Land ("Sovereign Citizen") movement is heating up and the only reason the term "Sovereign" and "Citizen" are even used in the media as an oxy-moronic and single term is because these citizens have self-proclaimed their "living souls" as Sovereign without engaging in any activities, per international law, that would make them so. For one, "living souls" do not sign contracts, which is the most fundamental part of the universe we live in. Second, these citizens don't have any Sovereign Immunities or Treaties. Third, and I will stop here, is that these citizens do not understand that absconding themselves from the laws and debts of society wages the same war on suzerain authority that the colonists did in the 18th century. Guess what that resulted in? The American Revolution.

Most recently is a case in Canada where a self-proclaimed "freeman-on-the-land" has declared a home, mind you not owned by them, as an "embassy." Many transients and Sovereign Citizens have been invading properties around the world in an attempt to conduct a hostile takeover of vacant residences whereby many of the landlords are gone for a couple of days on business or vacation. Personally, I reached out to Ms. Heidi Peterson of Detroit in order to understand this situation better. She confirmed that within six months of the discovery the "squatter" lost in a civil claim and was ordered by the Courts to leave the property.

As Andreas Pirelli will soon find out, he has no Standing and he has no claim of Right, whatsoever. As I imagine no agreement between Caverhill and Pirelli exists to create shared title or an "embassy," Pirelli holds no favor in terms of law. Pirelli evidences a complete lack of understanding about the constructs relating to social diplomacy, let alone an embassy, and fails to resolve with Caverhill at any level of peaceful resolution to the dispute in question.

UPDATE: 28 September 2013
Calgary police arrest Pirelli (real name Mario Antonacci) among 6 "squatters" involved in freeman-on-the-land dispute. A Canada-wide warrant was issued for Pirelli's arrest to take him back to Quebec and a Court order has also been issued for all inhabitants to leave the property as of 12AM midnight Saturday until the Courts hear the case this coming week to make a final determination of the matter.


  1. I read the account printed in the news today about Ms. Caverhill. Hopefully Andreas Pirelli will be outed for who he really is. It will be ironic that after he cannot find work he will be dependent on the welfare system offered by the government.

  2. That is usually what it comes down to. These fellows attempt to try and live in crowds for sustainability, but then they go pull this kind of stunt and expect the world to see them as "peaceful" and government as "the enemy."
    Thank you for your input. Always welcome.

  3. Something about this story stinks. There are TONS of people that claim to be freemen but they simply do not have a full grasp on it. I'm not so sure we have the full story here.. Like I said.. Something stinks.

  4. Time for a visit some persons......will be making a visit see what he likes about the freedom to have the shit beat out of this punk ass loser from Quebec Does he float we will find out ..after being thrown into the river he will too

  5. The news is going to have a slant, period. This bottom line here is the principle. Let the news taint the water. Unless you want to get involved in the story we take it at face value unless we understand the situation to be different than what is reported. Otherwise, it is mere speculation.

  6. I'm about the Right of Self-Determination and Peaceful Settlement. "Having the crap beat out of somebody" is not one of those values. If you have a beef, do what you need to do but I don't need anything coming back on me or this forum. Thank you.
