Saturday, October 25, 2014

World War 3

It has been said before and it will be said again; World War 3 will be fought between religious factions. It is obvious today that this is true. Formerly, the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) and now the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has declared a jihad against infidels whom have offended the nations of Islam in both Iraq and Syria. Newly consolidated leadership formed this year 2014 and remember how we were warned early on that new leadership could be even worse? - here we are. Many around the world have already blamed one another for "creating" this fundamentally radical and violent group of militants, however; one should note that this is no different than the Christian Crusades, which also left an ugly scar on the history of the human race during the "Dark Ages."

It does not matter if we believe ISIS or ISIL was constructed directly or indirectly at the hands of representatives of the United States. Although there might certainly be evidence to support such claims, the point is that this is going to get much worse before it gets better. Believe it or not, the elites of the world are using this group to initiate a terrible global war in which to disenfranchise the human race from religious affiliations. Religion has single-handedly been the greatest tool to "win hearts and minds" towards what we considered to be messages of peace and service to others. Philosophically, this has done the exact opposite. Religions, in reality, wage war with one another in order to increase their manpower and thus their enterprise. Consider religious opposites to be "thesis vs anti-thesis" and we might all better understand the end result - destruction.

In order for the human race to end this inevitable self-destruction, it will be vital for us to dissociate ourselves from religious paradigms and look to advance ourselves instead in other areas where development is necessary. As "service to others" is considered the foundation of that which is the "act of love," the obligation we have to ourselves is self-realization. Once we get to know ourselves and like ourselves, others can only then like us. Our obligation to one another, as a humanity, is to service and stretch each other's understandings of the world around us - a universal awareness if you will. We are very good at seeking comfort and engaging in an endeavor of self-aggrandizing behaviors. This can only stop when we begin to service others before tending to our own benefit. The true advancement of our human race commences only then.

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