Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Stigma of Network Marketing

I was exposed to network marketing when I was a teenager in high school. I never heard of it before and it sounded like a very smart business model. By helping others, who wanted to help themselves, succeed I also succeed. When I began sharing with others the idea of making money together, I was met with more resistance than I had initially expected only because of the business model. "Oh, is this one of those pyramids?" How about "I don't like taking advantage of my friends and family"? Or "That looks like a Ponzi scheme"?

So, why all the stigma? First off is people do not like being sold to - emphasis on NOT! - and we are bombarded with over 3,000 advertisements daily. It is all noise and mostly crap! What are people receptive too? Sharing. If a rumor can be spread like wildfire so to can the word of a good product in the hands of a social butterfly or even a few people. Most people will not share anything other than their opinion of another person, the latest political fiasco, or what they thought about a film after watching it. Just look at Facebook. Everybody has a story and 99% of them share their ideas for free while Facebook makes the money. Hmmm…I wonder why Facebook is the largest company in the world now?

Secondly, Americans are well known for being "too trusting" yet too lazy to do their own homework, so they easily fall wayside into a scam. The problem here is that Americans have become too lazy to do their own homework on much of anything anymore. We are complacent; broke enough to complain and comfortable enough not to do anything about it. Americans complain all of the time about Nigerian scammers and how they lost a great deal of of money. Has anybody you know ever not been sent to the cleaners by another American? I didn't think so.

How the world sees Americans
What is the point? Do your homework! Rich people can tell if a person is too lazy and ignorant for their own good when that person will begin resisting a partnership BEFORE that same person performs their own due diligence. If that person continues to resist looking things up, they just crossed the line of ignorance to stupidity. Most of the time, the concern of a Ponzi scheme, pyramid or otherwise is predicated on one's fear of being disturbed and getting off the couch. Why? They are comfortable enough not to do anything about their situation.

Third and finally, most Americans have never been successful at any business, let alone network marketing. Why? Because most people here in America do not understand how to do business or perform beyond the classroom. They never knew anybody who had a successful business and, if they did, they never inquired to learn from them. We glorify academics and a professional education instead. Then, we wonder why the Indians from India are running all of the convenient stores, the Mexicans have all of the landscaping businesses, Asians are dominating medical practices, and the far East has the oil industry by the balls.

95% of Americans today are looking for job security in a world that requires a business opportunity for financial security. We are now a globalized marketplace and Americans are still primarily focused on a job. Every other market outside of the United States is on fire right now when it comes to network marketing. A millionaire is made every 5 days. Why? They are hungry and we are comfortable. The world economy has moved on, but will Americans move with it? One thing is for sure. If we don't get our butts in gear, we are toast.

The Business of the 21st Century

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