Friday, December 14, 2012

Connecticut Elementary Massacre

The local law enforcement authorities received reports of a shooting in Newtown, Connecticut at an elementary school just prior to 10am EDT this morning. The shooter was initially identified as 24-year old, Ryan Lanza, of Hoboken, New Jersey whose mother worked at the school in his hometown of Newtown.

It was later noted that Ryan's younger brother, Adam Lanza, killed his father this morning at their Hoboken home before taking off to the elementary school while on psychiatric medication for his "mental illness" and "personality disorder." He began his rampage at the Principal's office and then made his way to his mother's kindergarten classroom where the rest of his victims, including his mother, would have their last breath before taking his own life.

Ryan was working at the time of the shooting when CNN began plastering his name and Facebook photo on television as the killer. Ryan might take up the plans to sue CNN for this bad spill of information without verification. The only reason the media took on Ryan's name is because Adam had Ryan's ID on his person when authorities found his body in the kindergarten classroom. Ryan is the "other" suspect taken into custody for questioning by law enforcement authorities.

Lanza killed 20 school children and 8 adults including both of this parents and himself.


  1. I wonder if more wouldn't be achieved by not pulishing the name of these sociopaths in the press. It seems being noticed holds more importance than the lives they take. It's copy cats trying to go out bigger than the previous murderer.

  2. That is a valid point indeed. Terrorism experts believe that the media actually fuels the cause of terrorists when they cover these stories across the country and world day-in and day-out. Every human has an inclination to feel important and some want to gain fame, even if it is in a negative light.

  3. So how many medicated shootings have we had so far? All of them??? Im not just talking about USA. The young shooters the EU has seen, has been nothing but medicated children.

  4. I would say quite a few, but I would also say all of them had a mental issue that was not resolved. There was Anders Brevik of Norway who killed 77 people last year year including more children than Lanza and Brevik still lives. He used explosives AND guns and people want control on guns when anything could be used as a weapon.

  5. I think it was NBC Nightly News that I saw last night talking about historical mass shootings going back to the 60s. They were giving the names of the perpetrators and the kill rankings.

  6. I also heard last night that the media was blaming social media users for spreading the wrong name as the shooter when CNN ran with that and all other news stations followed.
    Ryan Lanza posted a Facebook message that CNN was lying and his friends were telling him to sue the station.
    The corporate news media doesn't hold much responsibility for its own actions.
